Monday, 23 September 2024

Things to stop doing if you really want to find love or be in a relationship PART 1


Let’s talk about some habits and mindsets that are sabotaging and preventing  you from getting the love of your life. The path to finding love is filled with misconceptions thanks to your Ex's ,movies and mainstream media. All we get are false and untrue images of what love should look like and no one talks about what it takes to have a long lasting relationship and the stumbling blocks that might get in your way.
No one talks about the important stuff, no one shines a mirror on us and tells us how we need to be, what we need to confront, and what it actually takes to be in a healthy, happy relationship.
So let’s look at six things you need to stop doing if you want that healthy relationship.
Neediness is a state of mind where you feel incomplete, or have an emotional void or emptiness, and try to fill this empty space with a relationship or male validation.
Neediness usually stems from a lack of self-esteem or a sense of worth. You feel like something is missing within yourself or in your life and erroneously believe a relationship will be the cure. If you were unhappy before the relationship, you’ll be unhappy in it. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself about being single, work on your relationship with yourself. Work on feeling OK and happy with where you are right now.        
You have to love yourself first or you will never be able to accept that anyone else can love you. If you don’t truly like and love yourself, you will never be able to accept that someone else can love you. The number one way to attract love is to make yourself into a vessel that can receive it.
If you don’t value yourself, you will go for someone who doesn’t treat you well, and you will be OK with it because she/he’s just validating how you feel about yourself. And the subconscious mind is always looking to prove itself right. In general, like attracts like.
If you are emotionally unavailable, you will attract a someone who is emotionally unavailable. Now, you can want to be in a relationship and at the same time be unavailable in your own way. If you’re afraid of getting hurt or feel like the guys/lady you want always leave you, then you might subconsciously be putting up walls to protect yourself.
Ask yourself: would I want to date me?



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