VDM has cried out for his safety after his current home address emerged online The social media critic shared how he had spotted a cease and desist letter MC Jollof's wife issued to him over allegations against her .VDM who looked worried in a video, said he could no longer return home as his fans flooded MC Jollof's page.
The letter circulating on social media threatened legal action against VDM, including his address.
In a video, VDM said the letter was not sent to him but was directed to him or his lawyer.
He stated that Mr Jollof and his wife had put him in danger by publicising his home address. "I can no longer go home, my current address has been compromise, I have to start looking for another house, I have to live in a hotel, I am scared to even go home to pick my cloth," he said in the video.
Donice79.blogspot.com compiled some of the reactions as many of VDM's fans took to MC Jollof's page to react. Read some of the comments below: am_gaby: "Jollof your credibility dey mud! You and your lawyer na beta Olodo rabata, why you go post person current address for blogs? Dem say Itsekiri no dey born mumu, but your case too different."
abdulsaraj: "If anything happens to VDM get ready to run away from the country." cres_luv: "Why did u put his address online? That's so low of you." iamk.win1: "If anything happens to Verydarkblackman, You will face the Nigeria 🇳🇬 Youths, Don't play."
Recall that the critic slammed Mr Jollof for coming for his mother and accusing him of taking a swipe at his wife. In the video, he made bold claims about Mr Jollof's wife and shared the hotel's name where she allegedly met Yahoo boys. VDM opened his comment sections, and fans reacted massively to his new video about Mr Jollof.
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